Twisted Sisters in Fantasyland

As reported in an earlier post, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious held its annual "assembly" this past week across the street from "Fantasyland" in Anaheim, California.
Huddled together in the squalid setting of the 5 star Anaheim Hilton Hotel and Resort, the graying pack of recusant religious emoted over their prophetic stance on behalf of the poor and the marginalized.

One of the pools at the Hilton Anaheim
Sporting a diverse array of nouveau habits -- pant suits, muumuus, faded Vote for Kerry-Edwards T-shirt-and-jeans ensembles -- they celebrated their "connectedness" with like-minded women scattered throughout their "small, small world."
Addressing the group, LCWR president Sister Christine Vladimiroff, OSB, stated, “Our foremothers and founders have shown us the way through the past. Now it is our time, the only time we have — the present. The future of religious life is in our hands to shape for those who will follow us."

Truth be told, if the many saintly and even sainted foundresses and founders of the religious congregations represented at the conference were to come back from the grave, they would most certainly have a few choice words for their wacky and wayward "spiritual" daughters.
Sister Vladimiroff's claim that the "future of religious life is in our hands to shape for those who will follow us" is patently false.
First and fortuitously, these poor deluded women have no one following them since they have virtually no vocations (at least in this country).
Second, the future of religious life is in the hands of the religous orders and congregations that belong to the Rome approved Conference of Major Superiors of Women Religious (CMSWR), an outgrowth of the now disbanded Consortium Pefectae Caritatis (CPC). These are religious orders and congregations which are getting vocations because they are faithful to the Magisterium and to the authentic reform of religious life as taught by Vatican Council II. A sampling of these groups would include: the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles, the Nashville Dominicans, Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, and the Missionaries of Charity.
The LCWR considers CMSWR a "splinter group" when in fact the opposite is true. CMSWR aims at fidelity to the Church's Magisterium. LCWR actively works against the Church and Her teachings.

Great post Quintero.
Their head in the sand attitude astonishes me. Self-affirming Press Releases assert that they represent 95% of US women religious. Yet no amount of praying (what's that?) to the goddess within will prevent a collapse of biblical proportions. My best is they will go from 95% to 5% by the 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae in 2018.
I followed the "splinter group" link and the timeline is fascinating. How's this from 1973: "One danger for us is that we may become legitimators of society's commonly held values."
We can only just pray for them.
Maybe one of the new, youthful, faithful and flourishing orders can take on a new apostolate: ministering to aging nuns as they die in their thousands. At least then, the many bitter and twisted ones may become reconciled with Christ and the Church He established.
Number of times words used in Sr Vladimiroff’s 7800-word presidential address:
Eucharist – 0
Evangelization/evangelize – 0
Sacrifice/sacrificial – 0
Sacrament/sacramental – 1
Redemption/redeemed – 1
Mother Earth - 3
Justice/Injustice – 14
Poor – 37
Anecdotes (“it reminds me of a story…”:
- Christian – 0
- Buddhist – 1
- Non-specific – 1
“We’ve lost the plot completely” – 1
(actually, I made this last one up)
Insightful analysis, my dear Venerable Aussie!
Mother Earth - 3x
Mother Mary - zilch
And so many of those congregations were named after Our Lady, St. Joseph, et al.
One does wonder what the saints that have gone before us think of us now. Everytime I hear a dissident Catholic politician and his apologists, I ask, what did St. Thomas More die for?
Seems they've abandoned everything except the sensible shoes.
Very funny!
You can easily see the contrast with youth and age and so have an idea of where the future lies.
Things are looking up!
Ave Maria!
Good job Quintero.
It is truly sad to see what happened in 1971 which necessitated the creation of CMSWR which did not get official recognition until 1992. It took over twenty years for orthodoxy to regain its status and during that time the lack of vocations was apparent. After all, what young feminist woman would want to join a religous order since in their minds these orders are products of, and supposedly obedient to, the Magisterium they are fighting against. Very few indeed. And what young orthodox woman would want to join an order infected with such hetrodoxy? Very few.
It is a situation mirrored on the male side by the Jesuits, whose declining membership now consist mostly of heterodox men who personally oppose our Pope, and opposed John Paul II when he was alive, in direct opposition to the Jesuit's stated reason for existence.
Sorry to go on again Q but it just fascinates me. The Leadership Conference of Women Religious website lists their Public statements.
These are the 2004 and 2005 ones - and I've done a quick word count:
August 1, 2005 -- LCWR Statement on 60th Anniversary of Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - 626 words
February 16, 2005: LCWR Statement on the Assasination of Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN in Brazil - 435 words
May 7, 2004: LCWR Statement on the Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners - 412 words
March 7, 2004: CMSM/LCWR Decry US Landmine Policy - 479 words
March 5, 2004: Religious Leaders Express Concern for Haiti - 635 words
Oh, I almost forgot:
April 2, 2005: LCWR-CMSM Statement on Death of Pope John Paul II - 119 words
April 19, 2005 -- LCWR Statement on Election of Pope Benedict XVI - 119 words
In these latter two, I didn’t see the words “evangelise, Christ, Jesus, Mary, Salavation, Theology of the Body” etc etc. (although “oppressed, rights, peace, inclusive” etc did crop up a few times.)
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