Mar 21, 2007

She chose the secular gospel

Did you see the article (click on this post's title) in the Los Angeles Times the other day about Lupe Anguiano of Oxnard?

She pretty much epitomizes left-wing, big-government Catholics and their ideology. Here is the story, as the Times tells it.

Now 78, she has spent decades as a leftist political activist. But she used to be, for 15 years, Sister Mary Consuelo of the Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters.

Then, back in 1964, she defied an order from Cardinal James Francis McIntyre of Los Angeles to stop agitating against a ballot initiative. Finally, she says, her mother superior said to her, "Sister, you are not obeying the rules. You are not obeying the Cardinal. Why are you staying?"

So she wrote Pope Paul VI, asking him to release her from her perpetual vows, and after a year she was able to leave in good standing. She was in the LBJ admin., advised the Nixon admin. on Latino and "women's" issues and advised the Reagan admin. on private sector initiatives.

Despite her advice to those GOP admins., she was a liberal. In the 1970s, she met feminist abortion-lover Gloria Steinem and with her, Bella Abzug and others founded the National Women's Political Caucus. In that pro-abortion group she worked on welfare "reform."

Today she says, "Nancy Pelosi, she's doing such a good job, isn't she?" She adds, "If Hillary Clinton is elected president, it will be the highlight of my life."

Those last two remarks illustrate the poverty of the left-wing religious ideology, don't they?

When I think of highlights of my life, and I will bet the same is true of you, somehow Hillary Clinton just does not enter in.


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