Please join me in defending pro-life minister Walter B. Hoye II of Oakland

Here is a request from the Rev. Hoye that was passed along to me:
Greetings Everyone ...
And thank you for your prayers!
My sentencing is scheduled for 1:30 P.M., Thursday, February 19th,
2009 in Department 109 on the fifth (5th) floor of the Wiley W. Manuel
Courthouse, 661 Washington Street, Oakland, California 94607-3922,
where the Honorable Stuart Hing is presiding.
Please use the link below for Wiley W. Manuel Courthouse details:
With that in mind, would you consider writing a letter on my behalf?
My legal team has instructed me to ask that the letters not focus on
the abortion issue or the ordinance itself.
Apparently, this cannot be underscored enough.
As I understand their request, the letters should focus on my status
in the community, my ministry, achievements, character, integrity and
how any potential incarceration will affect the aforementioned.
All letters should go to:
- Allison Aranda, Esq.
- Post Office Box 890685
- Temecula, California 92589
They should be mailed no later than Friday February the 13th, 2009 to
ensure they arrive by Wednesday, February the 18th, 2009, which is the
last day my legal team will be able to retrieve them before my sentencing.
For those of you would even consider attending my sentencing, please
know that your presence will touch my heart and comfort my wife (Lori)
as she stands with me during the sentencing.
Many have asked me if know what my sentence will be?
For that I am sorry ...
I do not know what the judge, the Honorable Stuart Hing, has in mind
for me.
However, I do know that the maximum sentence I can receive is two (2)
years and a $4,000.00 fine.
Nevertheless, because God has given me a peace that passes my
understanding and a faith that I did not have before, I do not fear
what man can do to me.
God has comforted me with "so great a cloud of witnesses" to His truth
that my soul has been strengthened and prepared "to run with endurance
the race that is set before" me.
That "great cloud of witnesses" to His truth are all of you.
And I am grateful to God for your love, support and prayers.
Let us continue to look unto Jesus, the "Author and Finisher of our
Let us continue to pray for one another and lift one another up.
Let us continue to stand up, speak up and live up to the love God has
for the life of the unborn child.
Regardless of what you decide to do, please know that I consider all
of you to be my friends.
As such, I leave you with the most precious gift I have ...
I leave you with "the name of Jesus."
May God bless you and keep you.
Walter B. Hoye II
Issues4Life Foundation
Blog: http://issues4lifefoundation.
I will be praying for you. God bless you and your work for God.
Kevin Colbert
Chicago, IL abortion is devastating the black community.
Abortion and birth control have always been about getting rid of blacks and other non-white races. Margaret Sanger herself referred to blacks as "human weeds." When are pro-aborts who claim to be for civil rights and minority rights going to figure this one out?
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