Jun 24, 2005

IT is so damned unfair

ITS name is Patricia. IT claims to be an "ordained" Catholic priest.

According to the BBC news article,

Patricia has impeccable Catholic credentials. For 45 years she was a Dominican sister, nun and an academic, who trained with men destined for the priesthood.

"My first feeling was: I'm doing the same study as the men, and I'm being excluded from the priesthood. It's so damned unfair," said IT.

No argument there. IT is so damned unfair.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one ever said life is fair.

11:05 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

I love two things in this article.

#1 The Women who play acted their ordination 3 years ago are now "bishops" at this rate they will declare themselves as popes within the next year.

#2 "A woman ...secret ceremony... as an act of defiance against the Roman Catholic Church." I am sorry but being touched by a couple of women who think they are bishops and being so fearful to let everyone know who you are, that you might lose your job at a Catholic school, whose beliefs you teach but do not believe, ,is not an act of defiance. It is the act of a coward. What has happened to "the revolution" when the key player of the ordeal "is not able to explain why it was worth going through all this, when at the end of the day, she would still be unable legitimately to perform any of the duties of a priest or even admit to her alleged priestly status."
Please at least give me some heretics and schismatics worth writing about, not these mamby pamby play actors who don't care enough about what they are doing to show their face.

11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"My first feeling was: I'm doing the same study as the men, and I'm being excluded from the priesthood. It's so damned unfair," said IT.


2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to comment on the off topic if I may. I cannot seem to get to the 'la bona' sites.

It is NOT the pharmacist who plays God but rather the people who take the lives of the living yet unborn!! Who gives them the right to say who can be brought to birth and who must die because they are an inconcenience. "La Bona" you have it all backwards.

I am a pharmacist who left my career after 22 years. I work in the home health care field now. I could no longer in good conscience dispense birth control pills--which can be abortifacients--any more than I ever would give straight killing drugs.

I know it is legal to kill the unborn and we are extending that to other inconvenient lives such as elderly, handicapped, and other helpless souls. In these cases, pleanty of people are 'playing God' except that it is not God they emulate because God is the God of LIFE. It is the devil that wants death. Even yours.

4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To ex-pharmacist:

Amen to everything you said. And thank you.

8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear "La Bona":

None of your links work on my server, including your email, so here goes:
Apologies for posting an off topic question here.

I am invitation your views on ABORTION in order to present a case to help those in the developing world.

I personally see abortion as a NECESSARY EVIL and that unwanted pregnancy is not only a personal problem and it is also a very real problem for the society at large.

Necessary evils are only valid if one has another choice that is even less morally desirable, and when one MUST make a decision. With abortion, there are at least two BETTER options: give the child into the loving arms of couples who have in many cases waited years for a new baby to cherish and love; or keep the baby and raise him or her with the help and support of as many friends, relatives and fellow Christians as possible.

Do you think it is right to burden say a 15 years old school-going girl with a new life when she is yet to have any economic mean to sustain herself and obviously, most girls of her age are not mentally ready for a family life. Furthermore, is it fair to rob her of her career, aspiration, dream etc., in the name of preserving a life that is yet to be fully developed?

Okay, I figured out this question is not a joke, so I can't say, "are you kidding me?" Your question is phrased in such an absurdly slanted way, it's tough to respond. Short answer: the girl presumably had sex voluntarily, so why not ask her why she made such a horrific decision, which led to her current problem? Or maybe you have in mind a rape scenario, in which case, killing the innocent baby will never reverse the assault and its attendant trauma. OTOH, accepting to proceed with the pregnancy, in the knowledge (despite the emotional weirdness and difficulty) that the evil of the rape can be redeemed, so to speak, by the decision to bring forth life. This has been proven to provide great meaning and consolation to victims of sexual assault,as opposed to having to bear two emotional scars: rape and abortion.

Pro-lifers have to stop flinching at being consistent when it comes to protecting innocent life that comes into being through bad acts. We don't typically execute children for the crimes of their fathers.

Gospel singer Ethel Watts made music enjoyed my millions of peoople. She was also conceived by rape. There are some life situations that seem in the moment to be completely horrorshow, but with God's grace can be turned to good.

Also, what do you think of the recent “Pharmacists Refused Contraceptive Prescriptions”.

I think pharmacists have consciences just like drug companies have profit motives. If a pharmacist is morally opposed to, say, The Pill, on the scientific grounds that it can kill unborn babies(and posed additional health threats to women) why can't he or she refuse to dispense it?

Do you think Pharmacists have the rights to Play God?

No, I don't. And in the above example you cite, they don't.

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to all -- I should have done HTML to make La Bona's words in italics. I trust you can sort out who's who.

1:41 PM  

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