Be fruitful and multiply
ABC NEWS online - Pope Benedict XVI has told Catholics to have more babies "for the good of society," saying that some countries were being sapped of energy because of low birth rates.

A Catholic Living with L.A.
john hearn -
It looks like ABC tried to find the most unflattering photo of the pope possible. I obviously went elsewhere for my papa-photo.
So! Awesome! The Pope says to have babies, okay!
Decisions, decisions...
Gee, we already had 5 kids for JP2, now we've gotta have one more for B16.
I better run this past Mahony first. Oops, I mean run it past my honey.
Oh, honeeeey, where are yoooooo...
I think B16 already said somethiung similar, but having a large family is a great witness. And since a large brood always elicits some sort of comment or question, it is usually an easy and nonconfrontational way to quickly explain Catholic doctrine on marriage, sex and families.
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