Gonzaga president to speak at Cathedral prayer breakfast

Our Lady of the Angeles webpage announces ...
Gonzaga University President and regular contributor to Mother Angelica's EWTN, Fr. Robert Spitzer, a priest in the Society of Jesus, will give this year's keynote address at the 2005 Southern California Catholic Prayer Breakfast.
There is something delightfully surprising about this event.
First, it sounds so Catholic. The schedule includes the recitation of the Rosary and "Holy Mass." Not a "liturgy," but "Holy Mass." This is language that one does not often hear in L.A. and even less so at the Cathedral. What, no liturgical dancers? No Indian chieftains blowing smoke? No pagan prayer circles?
Second, the keynote speaker, Father Spitzer, is a Jesuit who happens to be a Catholic as well!
Third (and this is the most delightful surprise of all!), Mother Angelica and EWTN are unabashedly referenced on the Cathedral webpage when it notes that Father Spitzer is a regular contributer to the Alabama nun's international television network.
This is amazing in view of the bitter feud that ensued between the Cardinal of Los Angeles and Mother Angelica when she criticized Mahony's controversial and unconventional pastoral letter entitled, Gather Faithfully Together.
Go HERE to register.
If they're serving breakfast burritos, I'm there!
The only reason this prayer breakfast is remotely "Catholic" is because its sponsored and organized by The Magis Institute. Spitzer is a founder of Magis. Magis' board is made up of a bunch of politically conservative, very wealthy Catholics with an agenda. What group doesn't have an agenda? Mahony can never say no to money or to pr for his "ornate" cathedral. The infant organization Magis loses credibility by associating itself with Mahony and making him look "Catholic" in the process.
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