Apr 7, 2006

"Step into freedom"

The story on "Congress" in the April 7 issue of The Tidings (click on this post's title) notes that this year's theme was "Step into Freedom." The report quotes Cardinal Mahony's keynote speaker Father Timothy Radcliffe, O.P.:

"There is a deep anger in the United States against Catholics on the 'other side,'...We are not a sign of God's freedom in Jesus until we can dare to belong with each other across every theological boundary. That means we have to see with other people's eyes, hear with their ears, and feel with their skin regardless of whether they are Legionaries of Christ or militant feminists."

Sorry, Father, but you are not going to get me to see with the eyes of pro-abortion, pro-homosexual "militant feminists." And "to belong with each other across every theological boundary" sounds like the opposite of what Pope Benedict XVI just said at his Wednesday General Audience on April 5. LifeSiteNews.com tells the story:

"'The Church of love is also the Church of truth,'" said Pope Benedict XVI today, in an address to some 30,000 people gathered to hear his Wednesday General Audience in St. Peter's Square. The bishops, the successors of the Apostles, he said, carry out 'above all a service of love; and the charity they live and promote is inseparable from the truth they defend and transmit.' The Pope added, 'Truth and love are two faces of the same gift that comes from God.'

"In his teaching, the Pope spoke of 'the contrasts concerning the truth of faith and the subsequent lacerations of communion.'

"'That the early Church was also aware of these potential tensions within the experience of communion is clear from the First Letter of John,'" said the Pope. 'No voice in the New Testament rises with greater force to highlight the reality and the duty of fraternal love between Christians; yet the same voice addresses itself with drastic severity to the adversaries who were members of the community but are so no longer.'"

The Vicar of Christ cites St. John's "drastic severity to the adversaries" and Cardinal Mahony's keynoter Father Radcliffe says, "belong with each other across every theological boundary." Hmmm, who would you rather trust on this one?


Blogger Jared said...

Does anyone think that Christ saw with the eyes of the money-changers? Or those scribes and Pharisees whom He called whited sepulchres?

Not. Bloody. Likely.

Gotta love B16.

3:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly, Roger Mahony is not one of Benedict's "Co-workers in the Truth."

He must go.

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A video of the closing "liturgy" held last Sunday, April 2, is available at the QDomine.com website at http://www.qdomine.com/Morality%20video/LA%20Rel%20Ed%20-%202006/lareledcongress06-1.htm

Also, the quote of Dominican Father Timothy Radcliffe advising people to watch Brokeback Mountain and read gay novels is available on the National Catholic Reporter website at http://www.nationalcatholicreporter.org/word/#two

7:56 PM  

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