Come to the L.A. March for Life, Saturday, March 15, in Encino

Be sure to set aside Saturday morning, March 15, to head to St. Cyril of Jerusalem Church in Encino for the Fifth Annual L.A. March for Life. See if you can bring family and friends with you!
And invite your pastor, deacons and religious -- and your bishop.
Pro-lifers will walk two miles along Ventura Boulevard to spread the right to life message. There's a nominal $5 registration fee, and it goes to the Pregnancy Counseling Center of Mission Hills and other excellent local pro-life causes.
Registration starts at 8 a.m., the opening ceremony is at 9 a.m., and the march sets out at 9:20 a.m. Click on this post's title for all the details.
Speakers this year are Fr. Peter West of Priests for Life, Kortney Blythe of the youth group Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, Patti Flores of 40 Days for Life, Janet Morana of Silent No More and Jo Tolck of Human Life Alliance.
St. Cyril of Jerusalem Church is at 4601 Firmament Avenue, Encino 91436.
Knights of Columbus Van Nuys Council 3148 founded this event and runs it, but the March is for all Catholics, Knights or not, and for everyone of all faiths.
Says John Costello of the Van Nuys Council, "California leads the nation in abortions, with about 200,000 a year. One in every five abortions occurs in California..." Let's each do our part to speak up publicly for the babies!
(Thanks to the online California Catholic Daily for the heads-up about this great pro-life event.)
Sounds like a place to be. I think my flight to Boston is scheduled for that evening, so I should be able to make it.
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