Cardinal Mahony, please distance yourself from Villaraigosa, to save your flock from moral confusion

Cardinal Mahony delivered the benediction, which The Tidings dutifully printed:
If you have a keen eye, farther back in the crowd pictured above you can see picket signs reading, "You CAN'T Be Catholic and Pro-Abortion." Sadly, the Catholic and pro-life zeal of the young people carrying those signs failed to deter Cardinal Mahony from parading with Villaraigosa and the rest of the mobile zoo of dozens or hundreds of pro-abortion politicians.
Now, however, because Villaraigosa officiated yesterday at a so-called wedding of two homosexuals (click on this post's title), every thinking L.A. Catholic will agree that for the sake of Catholic truth, moral clarity and the eternal salvation of the members of his flock, Cardinal Mahony needs to distance himself from Villaraigosa and the illicit ceremony he conducted, and to explain why.
The Cardinal could do this today by going over to City Hall and then walking backwards all the way back to the Cathedral, to erase the stain of his prior very public parading with Villaraigosa and the baby-killing battalion.
That is unlikely, however, so the best thing Cardinal Mahony could do is to call a very public press conference to denounce the ceremony and to explain Catholic teaching about the Sacrament of Matrimony and the holiness of the family.
Yes, I know that is not likely to happen. But it is what should happen.
I continue to be appalled by Mahony's absence in this saga.
What do you think he's doing that is more important?
Yeps, more than words, it's a manner of action. What happened to Cardinal Mahony being a better discple of Jesus? (Ref: his statement after Pope Benedict's visit)...Let us pray for the softening of his heart to the abomination at hand.
Dear Karen,
That's an excellent question -- what priorities do the members of our hierarchy have that are more important than guiding their flock and the whole community and than defending the Church and the Sacraments from attack?
We must make no mistake, this is a pivotal moment in the history of the Catholic Church and of Western Civilization. The barbarians, the pagans, are at the gates, and their agents are already within the city. We need our bishops to repel them, not to be silent in the face of evil and danger.
Dear Joe of St. Therese,
Yes, we need to pray for the softening of all our hearts, and at the same time to pray for the emboldening of our hearts, too!
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