Oct 23, 2005

No to married priests, yes to Latin

L.A. Times

ROME — Roman Catholic bishops gathering here from all over the world broached taboo topics and gave the public rare glimpses of policy debate within the Vatican. But as the three-week meeting draws to a close today, the clerics have chosen not to break new ground or stray from tradition.

The Synod of Bishops on Saturday approved a 50-point package of "propositions" to be handed to Pope Benedict XVI that reinforced long-standing policies, including an enthusiastic endorsement of celibacy for priests and the denial of Communion to Catholics who have divorced and remarried.

Although the critical shortage of priests dominated deliberations, the bishops recommended maintaining the church's ban on married priests, according to information released by the Vatican and first reported in the Catholic press. They also encouraged a greater use of Latin in religious services.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROME — Roman Catholic bishops gathering here from all over the world broached taboo topics…

Taboo topics?

How about

for taboo topics?

5:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boston is a mess. What's with Archbishop "Sean?"

"Catholic Charities."

Neither Catholic (homosexuals can adopt children).

No charity (CC dispenses government money).

What a joke.

6:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


So far, this is all I could find and it looks like a bone to me.

Synod sources told NCR Oct. 22 that all the propositions passed with solid majorities. The proposition that attracted the largest number of "no" votes was number 36, which suggests that in international celebrations the Mass be said in Latin, apart from the readings, the homily, and the Prayers of the Faithful, and that priests be trained from the seminary to use Latin prayers as well as Gregorian Chant. It also recommends that the faithful be educated to do so as well. Even that proposition, however, passed with a comfortable majority.

Forgive the link to NCR

6:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The" proposition on Latin in the liturgy (from the unofficial Italian text on the Vatican website) followed by a loose English translation via babelfish:

Proposizione 36

L’uso del latino nelle celebrazioni liturgiche

Nella celebrazione dell’Eucaristia durante gli incontri internazionali, oggi sempre più frequenti, per meglio esprimere l’unità e l’universalità della Chiesa, si propone:
- di suggerire che la (con)celebrazione della Santa Messa sia in latino (eccetto le letture, l’omelia e la preghiera dei fedeli). Così pure siano recitate in latino le preghiere della tradizione della Chiesa ed eventualmente eseguiti brani del canto gregoriano;
- di raccomandare che i sacerdoti, fin dal Seminario, siano preparati a comprendere e celebrare la Santa Messa in latino, nonché a utilizzare preghiere latine e a saper valorizzare il canto gregoriano;
- di non trascurare la possibilità che gli stessi fedeli siano educati in questo senso.

Proposition 36

The use of Latin in liturgical celebrations

In the celebration of the Eucharist during international encounters, today more and more frequent, in order better to express the unity and universality of the Church, it is proposed: - to suggest that The (con-)celebration of the Holy Mass be in Latin (except for the readings, homily, and the prayer of the faithful). Therefore also the prayers of the tradition of the Church are recited in Latin and eventually you execute yourself brani of gregorian chant; - to recommend that the clergymen, since the Seminary, are prepare to comprise and to celebrate the Holy Mass to you in Latin, let alone to use Latin prayers and to know to value gregorian chant; - not to neglect the possibility that the same faithful are he educates to you in so far as.

4:08 PM  

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