Aug 12, 2006 good news

Here is some good news about young pro-lifers from around the USA.

Crossroads is a pro-life group that sponsors groups of young people on pro-life walks across America every summer (click on this post's title). They have just finished their more than 10,000 miles (!!!) of pro-life walks in the scorching summer of 2006 -- and...

Today, Saturday, Aug. 12, in Washington, D.C., the Crossroads kids:
  • attended 8:30 a.m. Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
  • prayed and counseled outside the Planned Parenthood abortion site in downtown D.C.
  • returned to the Basilica and walked from there to a rally on the West Lawn of the Capitol
  • had a well-deserved 3 p.m. lunch at the Dubliner Restaurant, an Irish pub on Capitol Hill
Sounds like a well-spent Saturday, wouldn't you say, not to mention a well-spent summer? Visit Crossroads' Website, see what they do, and tell all your friends about them.

Have you ever encountered the Crossroads walkers or any similar kids? Please tell us all about it.

Pro-life is the future!


Blogger Father Cory Sticha said...

Not just have I met some of the walkers, I've been one. In the Summer of 2003, I was one of twenty members who walked from San Francisco to DC in what they now call the Central Walk. It was an incredible summer experience, both the walk itself and the support we received as we crossed the country. The major focus of the walk is as a pilgrimage across the country, so prayer (especially Mass attendance) was a big part of the routine. We had every extreme of weather you could think of, from 40 degree nights to days with 100 degree temps and high humidity.

When we started in the San Francisco area, we were praying in front of Planned Parenthood when an SUV pulled up. The driver rolled down the windows and said to us, "If it wasn't for people like you, she wouldn't be here," gesturing to his daughter in the back seat. Turns out that his wife or girlfriend (I can't remember which) came to PP for an abortion, but some pro-lifers were there that day and talked her out of it. Really hit home to us why we were out there.

As we walked we met more people like this gentleman, but we also met plenty who were less than enthused by our presence. Overall, however, I would say that the US is overwhelmingly pro-life, as we received much more support than we did insults.

Please pray for the continued success of the Crossroads walks, especially as they start preparation for next year's walks. If you're college age and concerned about the culture of death in the United States, consider applying for next year's walks. It'll be one of the greatest experiences you'll ever have, and you'll be a powerful witness for the sanctity of life!

Cory Sticha
Crossroads 2003

2:01 PM  
Blogger Quintero said...

Dear Cory,

Thanks for this great report about Crossroads, and congratulations on your own part in this super pro-life pilgrimage in 2003.

Only in eternity will you and every Crossroads veteran learn how many hearts you converted, and how many babies' lives you saved, by your prayers and public witness.

Hope your testimony recruits lots of new Crossroads pilgrims. You are sure making ole Q wish he was back in college again and out there on the pro-life trail!

Thanks again, and please keep visiting here and checking in when you have the chance.

9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had Crossroads walkers visit and speak at my parish for the last three years. What wondeful kids! They spend alot of time talking to people after the Sunday Masses. I think their witness is especially powerful for the young people.

6:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These young people are an inspiration! God bless them.

7:43 AM  
Blogger Quintero said...

Reverend and Dear Father Savanarola,

Good for you, for having the pro-life Crossroads walkers visit your parish! Your parishioners are blessed to have a priest who knows we all need to hear pro-life truth.

God bless you and your flock!

1:43 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

I hate to reply to posts so long after they've been posted, but considering there's not much time to keep up with blogs while walking across America, I'll do it this once..

I'm what you call a Crossroads Junkie. I've walked 2004 (Central route), 2005 (Southern route), and 2006 (Northern route), in addition to minor walks (including a Europe walk prior to WYD in Koln and a Spring Break walk up the coast of Florida over Spring break in 2005).

As Cory said, Crossroads focuses on prayer and sacrifice. My first summer we never had an 'offical' save outside a clinic, but that's not to say that our walk was pointless. Outside a clinic in Colorado, a couple of our walkers talked with three pro-choice ladies. When it was time to leave, they emptied their pockets and said 'you've changed three hearts today'. Another time a homeless lady approached us and gave us all the money she had in the world (which, I believe was all of 13 cents).

Occasionally walkers are blessed to see the fruits of their sacrifices (babies being saved, hearts being changed), but more often than not we just have to offer it up and pray that somewhere in the world there's someone that has a change of heart or a baby that gets a chance to live because of that 20th mile we walked with a sore knee (or other slight injury), a couple blisters, and a bad case of 'I wanna go home'.

Having walked not once but three times, I tend to think of Crossroads as being a mix between a great chance to witness to the Gospel of Life and a three-month spiritual retreat.. it really is the opportunity of a lifetime.

"Offer it up!"

5:42 PM  

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