For the sake of the faithful, Cardinal Mahony should initiate a major commemoration of Humanae Vitae on its 40th anniversay in 2008
Next year, July 25, 2008, to be exact, will be the 40th anniversary of Pope Paul VI's wonderful pro-life, pro-woman, pro-marriage, pro-family, anti-artificial-contraception encyclical letter, Humanae Vitae (On Human Life) (click on this post's title).
Shamefully, more than a few in the hierarchy and clergy in the USA and elsewhere dissented from the Holy Father's inspired, prophetic teaching and went on to mislead many of the faithful -- the opposite of being "pastoral."
Not St. Padre Pio (pictured above), though. On Sept. 12, 1968, shortly before his death, he wrote the Vicar of Christ to say:
"In the name of my spiritual sons and of the 'Praying Groups' I thank Your Holiness for the clear and decisive words You have spoken in the recent encyclical, 'Humanae Vitae', and I reaffirm my own faith and my unconditional obedience to Your inspired directives."
All this raises the question: Will Cardinal Roger Mahony initiate a major (not a token) L.A. archdiocesan-wide commemoration of Humanae Vitae in 2008? A big conference and regional and parish seminars would be helpful.
The need is great: So many of our L.A. faithful need true Catholic teaching and genuine pastoral guidance -- need to learn that using artificial contraception is evil, to hear that much of the time it aborts newly conceived babies, and to realize that children are a blessing from God.
In the meantime. can you cite any words Cardinal Mahony might have written or spoken against artificial contraception? I'll be happy to post links and quotes here.
Shamefully, more than a few in the hierarchy and clergy in the USA and elsewhere dissented from the Holy Father's inspired, prophetic teaching and went on to mislead many of the faithful -- the opposite of being "pastoral."
Not St. Padre Pio (pictured above), though. On Sept. 12, 1968, shortly before his death, he wrote the Vicar of Christ to say:
"In the name of my spiritual sons and of the 'Praying Groups' I thank Your Holiness for the clear and decisive words You have spoken in the recent encyclical, 'Humanae Vitae', and I reaffirm my own faith and my unconditional obedience to Your inspired directives."
All this raises the question: Will Cardinal Roger Mahony initiate a major (not a token) L.A. archdiocesan-wide commemoration of Humanae Vitae in 2008? A big conference and regional and parish seminars would be helpful.
The need is great: So many of our L.A. faithful need true Catholic teaching and genuine pastoral guidance -- need to learn that using artificial contraception is evil, to hear that much of the time it aborts newly conceived babies, and to realize that children are a blessing from God.
In the meantime. can you cite any words Cardinal Mahony might have written or spoken against artificial contraception? I'll be happy to post links and quotes here.
(The image above is from )
I'd like to know something. When, if ever, has Cardinal Mahony ever spoken about Humanae Vitae? When has he ever talked about the evil of contraception? I've searched the Tidings and the internet, but I am not aware of any talk, homily or pastoral letter about this subject in the 20+ years he has been archbishop of Los Angeles.
Would someone help me out here?
let's all hold our breath and before we all turn blue, the pope will swoop down from Rome and save LA from Roger!
Or not.
Get real. Roger is doing exactly what "rome" wants him to do. Or they'd take action to stop him. Since they're not - find another hobby.
Dear Jennifer,
I haven't found any, either. But let's keep looking. God bless --
Dear Anonymous 8:56 p.m.,
It's not logical to assume that because the Vicar of Christ does not replace a bishop, that bishop must be doing what the Pope wants.
Popes rarely replace bishops. It is good to see highly placed Abp. Ranjith slamming bishops lately, something he is likely to be doing with the Pope's consent.
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