St. Charles Lwanga and Companions, defend us, our children, our families, the Sacrament of Marriage, and our Holy Catholic Church!

Yes, the local "king" was into "same-sex lust" for teenage boys and young men -- so much so that he had them murdered if they were Christian and spurned his advances.
Click on this post's title to visit Women for Faith & Family's very spiritually and historically informative page about these heroes of chastity and the Faith.
You might also, if you have a second to spare, visit ole Q's post of June 3, 2007, in which I make rhetorical queries about which elements of the homosexual takeover-of-Church-and-state-and-society agenda St. Charles and his brave companions would support. (Answer: None, natch.)
Let's invoke the intercession of St. Charles Lwanga and Companions against the homosexual lobby and their spear-carriers in the courts, legislatures, executive offices, political campaigns and every other area, including the churches.
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