Jun 3, 2008

St. Charles Lwanga and Companions, defend us, our children, our families, the Sacrament of Marriage, and our Holy Catholic Church!

Today, June 3, is the Feast Day of St. Charles Lwanga and Companions, martyrs in Uganda in 1886 for the Faith and purity and against sodomy.

Yes, the local "king" was into "same-sex lust" for teenage boys and young men -- so much so that he had them murdered if they were Christian and spurned his advances.

Click on this post's title to visit Women for Faith & Family's very spiritually and historically informative page about these heroes of chastity and the Faith.

You might also, if you have a second to spare, visit ole Q's post of June 3, 2007, in which I make rhetorical queries about which elements of the homosexual takeover-of-Church-and-state-and-society agenda St. Charles and his brave companions would support. (Answer: None, natch.)

Let's invoke the intercession of St. Charles Lwanga and Companions against the homosexual lobby and their spear-carriers in the courts, legislatures, executive offices, political campaigns and every other area, including the churches.


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