Remember the convent in Santa Barbara?

Well, ole Q's norteno contacts in Santa Barbara are saying that even though the sisters are long gone, the convent has not been sold and is not up to code inside. Ole Q hears that the convent will kind of stay with the adjacent Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish and be surrounded by an extension of the church's parking lot when a planned side extension of the church is built.
By the way, let's hope and pray that the extension of the church does not involve any wreckovation -- any obliteration of the sanctuary, removal of Jesus in the tabernacle, etc.
It was never plausible that they wanted to sell that property to pay off the settlement -- not when the assessed value was only in the five figures!
By the way, Q, is Cardinal Mahoney included in the California Catholic Bishops' endorsement of Prop. 8?
Dear Anita Moore,
You've done your homework! It's hard to argue with what you note about the convent property.
The bishops entitle their statement "A Statement of the Catholic Bishops of California..." Surely they must all support Prop 8 equally.
It's too bad the LA Archdiocese had no trouble selling the historic building that housed Self Help Graphics & Art for 30 years. At least these nuns were warned. Self Help was informed their building had been sold after the fact.
I haven't been up to OLG Church in Santa Barbara, I don't know if the Tabernacle is still in the center of the Church (God forbid any wreckovation if the Tabernacle is in the center)
If the convent hasn't been sold yet (probably for the fact that it's not up to current biulding code status). (which would in theory invalidate the Cardinal's move to kick them out?) It'd be a blessing for the Sisters to return to the convent that's there.
Our Cardinal needs our prayers as to help open more convents and seminaries to help eliminate the vocation crisis that's here in LA.
Dear Agustine Gurza,
I hadn't heard about the situation, but thank you for writing!
Dear Joe of St. Therese,
My contacts up north say the sisters are permanently gone and the tabernacle is in the center as it always has been. The side addition to the church has not been added yet.
That's a great idea -- we do need more seminaries and novitiates, just as long as they are orthodox.
And let's hope everyone remembers that in Sacramentum Caritatis and elsewhere, Pope Benedict has said he wants seminaries to teach the seminarians Latin so they can say the Latin Mass. He also wants Gregorian Chant taught.
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