All bishops' and priests' (and deacons') July 26-27 homilies should be against contraception, for Humanae Vitae's 40th birthday

They could make partial restitution this next weekend by devoting their homilies to explaining and praising that wonderful Catholic, pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-women document.
They (and the rest of us) can find the complete text of Humanae Vitae at sites such as: and and
Every priest and bishop should join the pro-life, anti-contraception, pro-Latin Mass, Confraternity of Catholic Clergy at
You can find extremely useful and workable pro-NFP and pro-life info at the must-see site of the great, internationally effective Family of the Americas Foundation (FAF), at: (their site is the source of the nice photo above).
You should also visit another beautiful pro-life site, One More Soul, at:
God bless!
thank you for getting our message out. There are many good, solid and orthodox deacons, priests, and bishops who NEED prayers to support them as they support often unpopular but nevertheless true moral and doctrinal teachings of the Magisterium. God bless you
Reverend and Dear Father,
You're very welcome, and God bless you, too. It's an honor to hear from you.
The love that you and your friends and colleagues in the clergy put into practice for Jesus, Mary, the Church, the Mass, the right to life cause and the salvation of souls heartens me and many others and helps keep us going.
Do check in here whenever you are able! Thank you again.
I absolutely agree, all homilies should have to do with the sanctity of Life. :)
I will be dedcating a special post on my blog sometime tomorrow on tie Issue of Humanae Vitae.
Without Life, all other issues are pointless.
Dear Joe,
Thanks for posting about Humanae Vitae! Everyone needs to hear the good news it contains.
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