May 23, 2009

B. H. Obama's National Day of Prayer Proclamation for 2009: Not exactly perfect

Barack H. Obama did not hold a National Day of Prayer ceremony in the White House, but he did issue a proclamation (click on this post's title).

Obama did not mention God anywhere, except in the two obligatory boilerplate paragraphs at the end:

"...I call upon Americans to pray in thanksgiving for our freedoms and blessings and to ask for God's continued guidance, grace, and protection for this land that we love.

"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventh day of May, in the year of our Lord..."

And leave it to Obama to say the following about a day of prayer:

"We celebrate their [our Armed Forces'] commitment to uphold our highest ideals, and we recognize that it is because of them that we continue to live in a Nation where people of all faiths can worship or not worship according to the dictates of their conscience."

We need to pray that more and more Americans will stop adulating the secular, statist, abortion-pushing "messiah."


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