Jun 9, 2009

"The golden Dome has been transformed into a golden calf"

This memorable sentence -- "The golden Dome has been transformed into a golden calf" -- is from an essay (click on this post's title) at LifeSiteNews.com by attorney Michael V. McIntire, a 1957 grad of Notre Dame and a former professor at the law school there.

You can learn a lot from Mr. McIntire's essay about Notre Dame's slide downhill in the 1960's and since then as well.

For me, ole Q, the nadir at Notre Dame was not even the invitation and the sickening welcome to the mega-abortion-pushing chief executive.

No, Notre Dame's nadir was, and is, its arresting of aged Fr. Norman Weslin and dozens of other prayerful pro-lifers -- and its refusal to drop its criminal charges against them.

You see, the Catholic liberals who just love pro-abortion politicians not only betray the preborn babies, they also persecute their fellow Catholics, even priests.

So much for the "common ground" that liberal Catholics prate about. They most emphatically do not want "common ground," they want to win -- they want pro-lifers to shut up about the little babies and to go away and stop trying to reach pro-abortion voters' consciences.

We need Cardinal Mahony and all of California's Catholic bishops to end their silence. We need them to say Notre Dame was wrong to honor a pro-abortion politician and is wrong to arrest and charge Catholic priests and others for prayerfully protesting.

"The golden Dome has been transformed into a golden calf."

P.S. By the way, the title of the piece at LifeSiteNews says, "Sic transic gloria," but that should be, "Sic transit gloria."


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