Nov 21, 2009

Did Vatican II really say THAT?

Probably you heard this summer (click on this post's title) that the Archdiocese of Boston was resuming Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after dropping it for 40 years.

If anyone you know is not familiar with Perpetual Adoration, send them here:

I don't know for sure why Boston dropped Perpetual Adoration back in 1969. But it couldn't be just a coincidence that 1969 was in the middle of the U.S. and worldwide liberals' phony "spirit of Vatican II" hijacking of the true intent of the Second Vatican Council.

So it shouldn't need to be said, but I guess one of the things we have to tell Catholic liberals is that, no, the Vatican II Council Fathers did not say to stop Perpetual Adoration.

And if you're like me, you probably have your own list of things that Vatican II did not say. I'd love to hear from you about that.

Here are a couple: As we know, Vatican II did not say to exchange the Tridentine Latin Mass for the vernacular or to turn the altar and the priest around. Nor did Vatican II say to drop catechetics in favor of liberal lies and dumbing-down.

You can read here about some relevant facts that Fr. Joseph Fessio related:

Okay, your turn, now. What else did Vatican II not say?


Anonymous Estevan Wetzel said...

I do enjoy your post. I am glad to see, at least at my parish, we are going back to some traditional elements that I enjoy. We have the tabernacle on the old marble altar behind the wooden altar. It is on a third step of three steps. So it has an awesome visual effect. We have started to say the Sanctus and Agnus Dei on certain liturgical seasons. Altar bells and black cassocks for altar servers. I do miss our altar rails, though :( That was taken out awhile ago. That was with the dominicans. We have since gotten different priests. Currently it is Soceity of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity. Our pastor is a very holy man and you can just see it in his manerisms and stories. But ya we are on our way back.

I like to agree with you that the council did not say to wear ripped jeans to mass. It also did not say the bishops and priests do not have authority and do not have to be listened to(Although some politicians, youth, and priests themselves)

I don't believe they put confession and the Holy Spirit in the closet (Although I am happy to report I see a little rise in people around me)

And since when can we be cafeteria catholics....Never! Sometimes i just don't like the pompousness of the my peers but I pray one day they will understand.

I have a few simple and informative questions I woud like answered please.

What is wrong with the priest facing the people?

What is ur opinion on the laity doing readings?

What is ur opinion on the laity putting the host in the luna? What my youth minister does is simply transport the host from the tabernacle to the monstrance. She doesn't make a scene out of it like she is a priest or something, she just is transporting it. Is this allowed? Also she does not touch the monstance she uses a purficator. And she only does this when a priest is unavailable.

10:46 PM  
Blogger Anita Moore said...

I'll bite. Here are my two lists:

Betcha Didn't Know Vatican II Said THIS!

And a sequel: Betcha Didn't Know Bl. John XXIII Said THIS!

3:08 PM  
Blogger Quintero said...

Dear Estevan Wetzel,

Thank you for the good news about the good steps in your parish!

And thank you for your points about bishops' and priests' authority, dressing respectfully for Mass, receiving the Sacrament of Confession, and being 100% Catholic.

I am not a liturgical expert, so I recommend that to seek answers to your questions you check with:

I've never heard of a lay person putting the Host in a monstrance.

12:32 PM  
Blogger Quintero said...

Dear Anita,

Thank you for the links!

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Estevan Wetzel said...

Thank you for that web site from EWTN! It is so wonderful :) And I found my answer... Yes it is allowed. But ofcourse in the way my youth minister has been doing it: not making a show or looking like an ordinary minister. They must simply put it in

8:45 PM  
Blogger Quintero said...

Dear Anita Moore,

Thanks again to the links to your blogspot V for Victory. You have great posts!!!

4:45 PM  
Blogger Quintero said...

Dear Estevan

You're very welcome! Glad you find the EWTN web site useful.

4:47 PM  

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