Light at the end of the tunnel?
DIOGENES has a post highlighting some of the points of the Instrumentum laboris of the upcoming Synod of Bishops.
With Benedict XVI at the helm, I am hopeful that the harm caused to the Sacred Liturgy by those who highjacked Vatican Council II will begin to be repaired. I am not naive, however, and I recognize it will take time. Many bishops and priests will have to grow old and die before the true reform of the reform can begin to take hold. But time is on our side.
Attached to DIOGENES' post is a picture of the L.A. Cardinal on his hands and knees near the hiddeous altar that he himself designed for his cathedral. I believe this picture was taken during the dedication ceremony (September 2002) at the point when Mahony placed relics in the floor below the altar.
What is interesting about this is the paragraph from the Instrumentum laboris that DIOGENES attaches to the Mahony photo.
"The altar is the most holy part of the Church building and is elevated to indicate that God's work is far superior to all human works. The linens which cover it are symbolic of the purity which is necessary to encounter the divine. Like the Church building, the altar is dedicated to the Lord only, and cannot be used for any other purpose." (ยง62)
With Benedict XVI at the helm, I am hopeful that the harm caused to the Sacred Liturgy by those who highjacked Vatican Council II will begin to be repaired. I am not naive, however, and I recognize it will take time. Many bishops and priests will have to grow old and die before the true reform of the reform can begin to take hold. But time is on our side.
Attached to DIOGENES' post is a picture of the L.A. Cardinal on his hands and knees near the hiddeous altar that he himself designed for his cathedral. I believe this picture was taken during the dedication ceremony (September 2002) at the point when Mahony placed relics in the floor below the altar.
What is interesting about this is the paragraph from the Instrumentum laboris that DIOGENES attaches to the Mahony photo.
"The altar is the most holy part of the Church building and is elevated to indicate that God's work is far superior to all human works. The linens which cover it are symbolic of the purity which is necessary to encounter the divine. Like the Church building, the altar is dedicated to the Lord only, and cannot be used for any other purpose." (ยง62)

He must have gotten lost in the middle of Mass. He probably couldn't find his place in the Sacramentary either because it looked totally different than what he was doing.
I feel for him.
But hey, at least he's tight with the Mayor.
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