'That 70s Church'

And I thought L.A. was a mess? My blogger in Christ, Gillibrand, provides a painful glimpse into the sad state of the Catholic Church in Germany.
His blog, CATHOLIC CHURCH CONSERVATON, is one of my favorite Catholic blogs.
A Catholic Living with L.A.
Man, Quintero, you get to this stuff fast.
A friend of mine just e-mailed this to me about 20 minutes ago.
I discovered this particular post this morning but I did not have time to post it on my blog until just a few minutes ago.
That "presider" and his sidekick are absolute goofs!
The "presider" looks like Red Skelton come back from the grave. Don't you think so?
Thank you for your kind comments. Red Skelton (RIP 1997) lives again http://diamondvideos.com/images/red_skelton.jpg
Quintero (or anybody else), can somebody please tell me what the Hell is up with clown noses and clown Masses?
God only nose.
C'mon, Joseph. Clown Masses are all the rage.
It's the only way to attract the youth!
(LifeTeen is way too conservative...)
These clown noses were a brief fad about 5-7 years ago among american episcopalians.
It's reassuring somehow that these europeans are so last decade as to be only catching up now
Yes, they are so far ahead of the pack that they are actually way behind.
A mockery of Christ's Holy Sacrifice perpetuated in the Mass.
Mocking God is not a wise thing to do....judgment does come...
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