Wanna be Catholics rebuffed, but hopeful

In 1980, Archbishop John R. Quinn announced a "pastoral provision' by which Episcopal and Anglican parishes could become Roman Catholic. In 1983-84, the clergy and parishes of five churches were accepted into the Catholic Church.
In his paper describing the history of pastoral provision, [former Episcopalian priest, Father] Barker wrote that in October 1984, Catholic Bishop John Ward, on behalf of Cardinal Timothy Manning, told the clergy of St. Matthias and St. Mary of the Angels that no pastoral provision would be offered to the parishes. This happened despite what Barker said were private assurances by Bishop Bernard Law, one of the point men for the Catholic Church in the process, that the Southland parishes "would have little difficulty' being admitted into the Los Angeles Archdiocese.
After being rebuffed, Barker and [Father] Brown both left the Anglican faith and converted.
The Rev. Beau Davis, a parishioner at the time and now a curate at St. Mary's, still is angry when he talks about what he saw as underhanded treatment from Manning.
However, he remains hopeful that one day his parish will become a Catholic church with Anglican traditions. Maybe even in his lifetime.
"We still have good communication with the Roman Church," Davis said. "It's not going to happen quickly, but it will happen in God's time."
Go HERE for full report.
Quintero -
Off-topic, but what do you make of the attire in this procession for the Assumption???
Anonymous 12:07 PM
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