What do J-Lo, Antonio Villaraigosa and the San Antonio Archbishop have in common?

San Antonio, TX, Aug. 16, 2005 (CNA) - In its latest issue, Time Magazine has honored San Antonio’s Archbishop Jose Gomez as one of the 25 most influential Hispanics in the United States.
Sharing the issue with the likes of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, actress Jennifer Lopez, and Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Archbishop Gomez has developed a reputation for being holy and humble but also tremendously influential in circles ranging from the local Hispanic population in Texas, to the U.S. federal government and even the Vatican.
Go HERE for the full report and HERE for TIME MAGAZINE.
Archbishop Gomez went from Houston to Denver as a Bishop under Archbishop Chaput,then back to Texas. If you could read his back columns from the Denver Register you would know he walks the talk.We Texans give thanks to the Lord for sending him here. He will influence all of Texas,along with Archbishop DiNardo.
Yes, Archbishop Gomez is a holy, learned and hard working priest. I have friends who know him well and they say he is the "real deal." Wouldn't he make a great successor to Cardinal Mahony when he finally steps down as archbishop?
Don't even think about it, Quintero. We need him here in San Antonio to take care of Texas's southern seminary--Assumption. Some of the guys jokingly said that when Archbishop Gomez walked into the seminary the walls would fall down.
They didn't, but there were certainly (and continue to be) changes. The guys now know what it's like to wear a cassock, for one.
Enjoy him while you have him but don't get too attached!
We are already attached!I will change my prayer for LA.I will now pray for a wonderful successor to the Cardinal,just not AB Gomez or DiNardo.We are so enjoying the fullness of the Catholic Faith.
Okay, I'll settle for Olmsted. He'd also be great in poor, forgotten L.A.
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