Feb 27, 2006

Will Cardinal Mahony follow Philippines bishops' example?

Did you see the amazing news story from the Philippines last week? (Click on the title of this post.) The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines is taking strong and effective action to counter moral decay and the government's totalitarian pro-abortion, pro-contraception, population control offensive against the people.

The bishops are requiring the Catholics of every parish in the country to take the pro-life Basic Ecclesiastical Communities Seminar. It is a course, held on eight straight Sundays, on basic Catholic teaching, the Bible, salvation history, Christian leadership, "the changing Church" and "family and life apostles." The course emphasizes that artificial contraception is immoral.

That alone is great, but the amazing part is that, according to LifeSiteNews, "The bishops are firm on the necessity of participating in the seminars before being allowed to receive sacraments." Individual bishops and priests may decide who is to receive the sacraments and Christian burial.

"That's the idea," says Sister Regina Arguelles of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. "That's exactly the Church's message. IF YOU WANT TO BE A CATHOLIC, ACT LIKE ONE AND FOLLOW THE CHURCH'S TEACHINGS." [emphasis added]

So, how soon will Cardinal Mahony get a copy of this pro-life seminar curriculum and implement it throughout the Archdiocese? A great time to announce it would be at the opening of this year's Religious Education Conference, don't you think?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To answer your question? Don't hold your breath!


Nice blog, keep up the good work!

God bless

2:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A prominent mayor was not allowed to receive Catholic burial rites in the Church, after failing to participate in the course. The Manila Standard reports that following the incident, all government officials in the region signed up for the course."

If the good Cardinal reads and understands just this one line....sadly, he probably wouldn't even bat an eye. :(

It shows the power in standing up for truth. I salute all of the Philippine bishops and will pray for their continued strength.

1:40 PM  
Blogger skeetor said...

I love the idea of mandatory things. It removes so many wishy washy opinions.

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


So now Mahony who refuses to enforce Catholic law now encourages priests to violate State laws???
Arnie and Antonio get communion...awww what's the point of going over it all again???

*An idiot and bad example*

Look folx if you want to know why L.A. catholics are so agitated and testy maybe YOU should try to raise your kids Catholic in this kind of environment...

2:16 PM  

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