Apr 9, 2006

Cardinal Mahony and the pro-aborts, once again

Prominent at Cardinal Mahony's Mass about illegal immigration, last Wednesday at the Cathedral, were two longtime pro-aborts, L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and United Farm Workers co-foundress Dolores Huerta.

No doubt other pro-aborts were there, too, but the mayor and Mrs. Huerta were the ones the Los Angeles Times pictured. Villaraigosa has voiced his pro-abortion views in the past, and cast votes that way, too. Do a Web search on "Dolores Huerta" and "pro-choice" and you will uncover the long and sordid trail of her work with the Feminist Majority (oh, sure) Foundation and other pro-abortion groups.

The Cardinal thus added to his own long record of appearing in public with pro-abortion public figures. Can't the leopard ever change his spots? Que lastima! What a shame.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be nice under the banner of social justice the Cardinal would confront Catholics who are pro-abortion like he does the politicans in the secular sphere on immigration.
What is so disturbing is that the Cardinal does not see his own blindness and does not intend to change no matter what anyone says.

8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just can't believe that with the amount of runs the Dodgers have been scoring....why they don't have a better record. I mean, Derek Lowe was a complete disaster his first start. If I find out Mahony has anything to do with this......I will be vexed.

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Face it. The Cardinal is not pro-life. Otherwise he would act. If I were a bishop, I would act.

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrew, face it - the "cardinal" is not even catholic, much less prolife. He's a costumed spokesman for the democratic party. And nothing else.

7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not from LA - I live on the other coast. But I've been reading this blog for some time and it pains me greatly to hear about things the Cardinal does. I double check the facts from other sources, sometimes, because I often cannot believe what I am reading.

I am not a rad-trad; I am simply a faithful, ordinary Catholic. I do not understand why no one in authority has corrected this man!
He is a scandal to the Church and to the people of God. I do not understand why the Bishop of Nebraska - one of the most faithful in America - was told he needed "fraternal correction" but no one ever tells Mahony this.

What is going on here? Again, the man is a SCANDAL. The recent event where he tried to have people wearing anti-abortion shirts arrested so they would not enter the cathedral leaves me speechless, when he welcomes rainbow sashes.

Are people writing to the Vatican, to the Papal Nuncio? I understand why the US Bishops won't open their mouths, but how can Rome continue to accept this mockery of the faith?

Is there anything we can do?

7:35 AM  
Blogger Jared said...


We need all the help we can get. It would appear that Arinze is our last hope.

Cardinal Francis Arinze
Prefect - Congregation for Divine Worship
Piazza Pio XII, 10
Vatican City (Europe) 00120

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Jared.I am going to write as thoughtful and careful and reverent a latter as I can. I know we owe respect and obedience to bishops, but if enough people write......

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will write, too.

What say you, Q, about leading this campaign?

5:47 PM  

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