Jul 16, 2007

"This terrible sin and crime"

The Cardinal Mahony settlement news story (click on this post's title) in today's New York Times quotes His Eminence as calling the abuse "this terrible sin and crime."

In that case, when priests admitted to him that they had committed these things, why did he not report the crimes to the authorities?

Even if the "therapy" the Cardinal sent them to had worked, that would not have erased the crimes they had already committed.

This is from the news story:

"John Manly, a lawyer for 50 of the victims, said the victims had been forced to use the civil courts to expose sexual predators and call [C]hurch officials to account because the criminal justice system had failed.

"'I think the question people need to ask themselves is how can Roger Mahony pay three-quarters of a billion for criminal acts, and essentially walk free?' Mr. Manly said. 'Especially since it’s other people’s money, and he has clearly been given special treatment by law enforcement and the power structure in L.A. When is there going to be some accountability, and if not, why?'"


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