Make the Good Friday Prayer Walk in Reparation for Abortion, March 21, up in Ventura

Pro-lifers will meet at Sacred Heart Church, 10800 Henderson Road, Ventura, at 9 a.m. and then walk five miles to the Planned Parenthood abortion chamber on Ralston Street. Along the way, the marchers will sing hymns and pray the Rosary, the Pro-Life Stations of the Cross and other prayers.
The pro-lifers say:
"Please plan to join us for all or part of the walk. If you can't make the walk, join us at Planned Parenthood for prayer at about 12 noon. Please bring signs (no graphic abortion images, please) and walkie talkies, if you have them. Please let us know if you have walkie talkies.
"If you have any questions, please call Katie S., 640-1920, Mary B., 525-9203, or Mary R., 642-3475. Thank you!"
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