Let's pray for Father Greeley

We all know that Father Greeley has promoted pro-abortion politicians and has written novels that critics and Catholic reviewers say have dirt in them. He also has said he knows about the crimes of a homosexual ring, but has not done anything about it.
All this, of course, is why we need to pray extra for him. Oremus -- oremos -- let us pray.
Mary, Mother of God of Priests, pray for your sons and ask the Lord to bless America and the whole world.
I hope Fr. Greeley has enough lucidity to get right with God before his death.
I hope as much for all of us.
Father, forgive him.
Lord, have mercy.
Dear Nick,
Thank you for this prayer to Our Blessed Mother about her priestly sons and our beloved country and the whole world. Amen!
Dear Cathy,
Thank you very much for your prayer for Father Greeley and for all of us. Let's keep praying.
A friend has told me that someone he knew who had much experience with dying people believed that God can really reach people when they are in a coma.
People who are in a coma can still hear others, so when we visit them we should always be sure to tell them we are with them, we are praying for them, and we ask them to tell Jesus they love Him, are sorry for their sins, and want Him to take them to Heaven.
St. Joseph, patron of a happy death, we each need your strong and sure protection!
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen.
Dear Jesus, please help us not have an unprovided-for death. Amen.
The Irish poet, playwright and patriot Brendan Behan, God rest his soul, suffered nervous shock in his teens and led an erratic life after that; but he prayed that he would have sisters with candles around him when he died -- and, yes, he died in a hospital with sisters caring for him.
So, Brendan, may your soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace, Amen. And may the same be true for all of us.
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