Let's make it a pro-life 2009 -- make every day Christmas

To achieve that, we pro-lifers are going to have to redouble our efforts and buck the system.
After all, pretty soon we're going to have a pro-abortion Chief Executive who (1) claims to want to make aborting babies rare and (2) proposes to do so by taking every pro-abortion step that Planned Parenthood demands he take.
This pro-abortion politician wants us to believe that if the economy improves, people will abort fewer of their babies. First of all, he's supposing that he can improve the economy through big government and big spending and big taxes. Second, he's assuming that many people do not abort babies for the sake of convenience.
But anyway, here are some ideas for how to create a pro-life 2009. What ideas do you have?
We need a public, visible pro-life presence. Go to the March for Life in D.C. on Jan. 22. Go to the West Coast Walk for Life in San Francisco on Jan. 24. Start your own prayer vigils.
Get your fellow parishioners together and get your pastor's permission to start a parish pro-life group.
Get your pastor to start parish Adoration for right to life.
Get your pastor to let you put a pro-life materials rack in your church's vestibule.
Get pro-life bulletin inserts from Priests for Life and get them in your parish bulletins.
Visit and learn from pro-life websites and tell others about them.
Get your pastor to lead pro-life prayer vigils outside the abortion mills inside your parish boundaries. Every time, have shut-ins pray and offer up for the cause of your saving babies.
Start your own pro-life group or join your local one(s).
Start your own pro-life center or volunteer at local one(s).
Start your own maternity home or volunteer at local one(s).
What ideas do you have?
One simple thing that any pro-lifer can do is put the word out to the youngsters in their lives:
If you know someone in a crisis pregnancy, please let them know that their child is not "unwanted."
All children are desperately wanted by someone.
Learn about adoption, talk about it, and talk to the teens in your life. Placing a baby for adoption does not cost an expectant mother any money. They can maintain a relationship with the child if they choose to. (We have a wonderful relationship with our daughter's birth mother.)
Adoption is not "giving away a child" (no one owns a person; therefore, a person cannot be given away like property) and there is no stigma in it.
Teach the teens in your life to be pro-life, and how to defend their position. Tell them that when they encounter a crisis pregnancy, they can assure the mother that there ARE places to go where she and her baby will be loved and cared for.
My daughter, who was adopted, owes her very life to my teenage niece, who offered her best friend hope and love during a crisis pregnancy.
We have been pushing pro-life events at our parish for a while now. Every weekday, the 15-decade rosary is prayed for pro-life issues, and the souls of aborted babies.
We have also hosted a movie night of "Bella" and had actor, Eduardo Verastegui, and director talk about their experience with this movie.
We have sent parishioners, among them youth, to the March for Life in Washington, DC. This January, we are hosting the first Youth and Young Adult rally the night before the Walk for Life in San Francisco. We are planning on making this an annual event.
Details are here:
Quintero, remember the nuns in S.B.? Is there any way your reporter friends can look more closely into that parish? There's a bit more to the story than was told in articles. (They've started to knock down part of the convent, btw)
- a reader
Dear Anonymous 7:52 a.m.,
Thank you for making great pro-life suggestions!
You're so right that we need to emphasize adoption and to teach our children to be pro-life.
And thank you above all for relating your own adoption experience. God bless you and your adopted daughter, and God bless the mom who chose life for that baby, and your niece who gave that mom hope, love and help.
Dear Jeannette,
Thank you for the welcome news about the pro-life efforts going on at Our Lady of Peace Church and Shrine in Santa Clara.
We all owe a debt of gratitude to the late Msgr. John Sweeny, God rest his noble soul, who did so much for Our Lady of Peace, including starting Perpetual Adoration and constructing the beautiful 32-foot-high statue of the Blessed Mother that fronts highly traveled thoroughfares.
More power to you and to everyone at Our Lady of Peace!
Dear "A Reader,"
The sisters are gone for good, as we know. I haven't checked with my friends about them lately.
I did hear there were charges that the sisters were bilked out of $3,000 or so in donations.
I also heard that some people changed their minds about the situation as time went on.
It still seems to me that the Archdiocese could have handled things better.
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