Mar 7, 2009

Latin Mass at Thomas Aquinas College's just-dedicated new chapel, Sunday, March 8

Sure would be wonderful to be at the 8 a.m. Latin Mass at Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula tomorrow (Sunday, March 8).

But of necessity because of the danger of overcrowding, access to the campus this weekend is by invitation only, with passes sent out previously.

As the online California Catholic Daily reported on Thursday, TAC alum Fr. John Berg, superior general of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, will say that extraordinary form Mass at 8 a.m. on Sunday for his fellow TAC alums and for TAC students.

Plus, at 11 a.m. Bishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Diego will say the ordinary form Mass in Latin at TAC.

All this is to happen in TAC's supremely Catholic and supremely beautiful new Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel, which was dedicated today (Saturday the 7th).

Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles was to be the principal celebrant of the dedication Mass, and three bishops, two abbots and "more than 40" priests were to concelebrate.

That Mass was to be in English but with "the Gloria, the Sanctus, etc." in Latin, and some hymns in Latin, too.

Hope no one there who does not like the Latin Mass plugged his ears during the Latin segments.

Be sure to visit the TAC web site:


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