The pope's very impressive press secretary

L'espresso has conducted a fascinating interview with Dr. Joaquín Navarro-Valls, press secretary for Pope John Paul II and now Pope Benedict XVI.
"You don't expect a Vatican spokesman to be like this, even if you've seen him on television a thousand times and have grown accustomed to his handsome face and his musical Spanish intonation. After long wooing, the man who was Karol Wojtyla's public voice for twenty years and has just been reconfirmed by the new pope agreed to this emotionally intimate interview."For the interview, go HERE.
Go to Joaquín Navarro-Valls' personal website HERE.
Handsome, suave, debonairre, single, theatrical friend with Jose...
Add 'em all up.
Any conclusion jump out at you?
No wonder he is loved and the front man for Rome.
This is why I read your blog. The good news along with the ugly, with links added. I hope LA will be blessed with a Bishop as great as the two new Texas Bishops, Archbishop Gomez and Archbishop Dinardo. I will keep LA in my prayers. When does the Cardinal turn 75?
As soon as the clock strikes midnight on February 27, 2011.
I have about Gomez and Dinardo and it's all very good.
Thanks for visiting my blog and spread the word.
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