For and against the Cross
Today, as we know, is the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The L.A. Times reports (click on this post's title) that the state government of Nevada will have a contractor make a memorial plaque to be placed on the Veterans' Memorial Wall in Fernley, Nevada, for Nevada Army National Guard Sgt. Patrick D. Stewart, 34, who was killed in action in Afghanistan.
The news in that story is that the memorial plaque will carry a witches' "pentacle," a pentagram (the news story benignly calls it "a five-pointed star") inside a circle, because Sgt. Stewart was a "wiccan." The pentagram is a satanic symbol.
Also, Nevada Gov. Kenny Guinn (Republican), U.S. Senator Harry Reid (Democrat-Nevada) and Rep. Jim Gibbons (Republican-Nevada) have been lobbying the Veterans Administration, which does not allow the witch symbol on veterans' headstones, to allow one for Sgt. Stewart. The VA has not made a decision about that yet.
Interesting, isn't it, that officials and politicians fight hard for an anti-Christian symbol and much of government officialdom in our USA also fights hard against the Cross of our redemption. They even are so totalitarian, not to mention vindictive, as to persecute Christian grade schoolers and nursing home residents and to attack the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial Cross.
Our Los Angeles downtown skyline badly needs a traditional and representational (not modernist) monumental Crucifix, visible for miles in all directions and spotlighted all night. The top of the cathedral, or else its gathering-place, would be a great site for it, don't you think?
You can view the painting above, and find an Exaltation of the Holy Cross novena prayer, at:
The CRCOA Knights of Columbus Website is now up and running!
Go to, click on "Knights of Columbus", then click on the State.
you are interested in that is listed, then just follow the instructions.
You will find there the names of pro-abortion and or sodomite public figures
who are still Knights, a picture of them with details such as NARAL and
NACGLM ratings, Council number, and a link to their personal Websites.
We are looking to find out information on more pro-abortion and or sodomite public figures who are Knights. If you have such information please email it to: Eventually we believe we will have at least one such referrence for each State!
God bless, yours in Their Hearts,
Kenneth M. Fisher, Founder & Chairman Concerned Roman Catholics of America, Inc.
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