Let's bring back the Stations of the Cross everywhere

This page takes us to the actual Via Crucis in Jerusalem:
This page has links to many prayer sites about the Way of the Cross:
This page has the Pro-Life Stations of the Cross:
Does your parish still schedule the Stations of the Cross during Lent? Please let us know the details.
We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee, because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world. Amen.
Both parishes in Simi Valley, St Rosa of Lima and St Peter Claver, have Stations every Friday during Lent.
St. Raymond Catholic Church in Downey does the Stations of the Cross every Friday of Lent.
12348 Paramount Blvd, Downey, CA 90242
St. Therese has stations on Friday in Alhambra 7p
Nuestra Senora de Gaudalupe in El Monte has stations Tues and Thurs at 7:30p
St Bernard's in Easton, PA has Stations every Friday at 7pm, and I suspect most parishes do in the Allentown, PA diocese and Philadelphia archdiocese.
The difficulty is finding out if a parish does have Stations, or confession, or when the masses take place. masstimes.org is a great place to start. It's a bit "hacky" in terms of web development, but it's got most of what you need when it comes to looking for parish information.
Dear Anonymous 7:42 a.m.,
Thanks for the good news about the parishes in Simi Valley!
Dear Anonymous 5:06 p.m.,
Glad to hear about St. Raymond Church in Downey! Thanks for writing.
Dear Joe of St. Therese,
Thank you for the good news about St. Therese Parish and Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish!
Dear Kozaburo,
Thank you for the good news about St. Bernard's in Easton and the other parishes in the Allentown Diocese.
Yes, it's not always easy to find out about parish schedules. So thank you for the tip and the link re masstimes.org
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