Nov 11, 2008

Pro-life Catholics will picket Kmiec talk at St. John's Seminary tonight (Tuesday)

Pro-life Catholics will meet at 6 p.m. at the main gate of St. John's Seminary in Camarillo tonight, Tuesday, Nov. 11, with their rosaries and picket signs in hand.

The pro-life Catholics will picket the Seminary for disgracing the annual Newman C. Eberhardt Lecture series by having Obama shill Douglas Kmiec of Pepperdine be this year's speaker.

As reported here earlier, Kmiec, in an op-ed in the L.A. Times on October 17, said Catholics may vote for the abortion zealot Barack Hussein Obama. Kmiec also said this:

"The way out [about aborting babies] is to remember that when there are differences among religious creeds, none is entitled to be given preference in law or policy. Sometimes the law must simply leave space for the exercise of individual judgment, because our religious or scientific differences of opinion are for the moment too profound to be bridged collectively."

By writing, "the law must simply leave space for the exercise of individual judgment," Kmiec was saying abortion should be kept legal, don't you think?

The late Father Eberhardt was a beloved, holy and learned professor at St. John's Seminary for many years. Surely he could not be happy at tonight's travesty being held in his name.

I'm very sorry for this short notice. If you cannot join the picket, please pray for all the faithful pro-life picketers. We also need to pray for the misguided souls who are honoring Kmiec, that they will see the truth, repent, convert to the pro-life cause and make atonement.

We also need to pray that the seminarians will not be poisoned by Kmiec's deceptions and by the Seminary's honoring of him. Let's pray that they see through him and challenge him.

Seminaries need to teach seminarians to be uncompromisingly pro-life, not to pal around with
pro-abortion politicians or their shills as Cardinal Mahony has done far too often.

I would like to tell Kmiec that St. Thomas More is a much better example for us than he is.

Tonight's picket is the beginning of faithful Catholic resistance to the Catholic fellow travelers of the coming pro-abortion regime. God bless and richly reward the picketers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am happy to report that from 40 to 50 true members of the "Church Militant" turned up outside the gates of what was before Mahony a Catholic Seminary (there are seminarians there who are trying to become real Catholic priests, but against real hard circumstances)and some went inside.

Many persons leaving the talk thanked us for being there and giving witness.

I was outside, but from what one of our people inside told me, this poor soul is completely devoid of any real logic in his arguments in support of the most pro-abortion, pro-sodomite politician ever elected to the White House! God have mercy on our poor Nation!

God bless, yours in Their Hearts,
Kenneth M. Fisher, Founder & Chairman
Concerned Roman Catholics of America, Inc.

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this isn't relevant to this blog, but I found a video I thought you might enjoy. It's Saint Padro Pio celebrating Mass:

1:09 AM  
Blogger Trubador said...

Read the article in today's Ventura County Star. God bless!

12:38 PM  
Blogger Thomas More said...

Wish I could have been there but I wrote this instead.


6:39 PM  
Blogger Quintero said...

Dear Kenneth,

Thank for your report -- and above all, thank you very much for being there and taking part in the picket!

Your witness and those of your fellow Catholics does a lot of good and encourages all of us.


10:35 PM  
Blogger Quintero said...

Dear Trubador,

Thank you very much for this link! It's good of you to do that.

10:36 PM  
Blogger Quintero said...

Dear Trubador,

God bless you, too!

By the way, I've done a post tonight about the event that thanks Kenneth for his report and that thanks you for providing the link to the news story. Good work!

11:54 PM  

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