Cathedral rector closes door on bogus conference

The Roman Catholic cathedral of Los Angeles on Monday rescinded its invitation to hold a Christian unity conference later this month after concluding that the principal speaker was to be a controversial self-proclaimed mystic who claimed to speak directly with God, Jesus and Mary.I'm glad that finally somebody from the Archdiocese (or was it Rome?) is reading LA Catholic. It was here exactly one month ago that I blew the whistle on the bogus ecumenical event that was scheduled to be held at Cardinal Mahony's cathedral at the end of this month.
In a letter to the sponsors, Msgr. Kevin Kostelnik, pastor of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, said that what had been represented by sponsors as a Christian unity conference had turned out to be largely a forum for Vassula Ryden, a Greek Orthodox laywoman who has attracted worldwide attention with her reports of sacred conversations.
Among those who were scheduled to speak at the Key to Christian Unity Conference was self-proclaimed "visionary," Vassula Ryden. In 1995, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, under its former head, the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, issued this warning about Ryden:
" ... this Congregation requests the intervention of the Bishops so that their faithful may be suitably informed and that no opportunity may be provided in their Dioceses for the dissemination of her ideas. Lastly, the Congregation invites all the faithful not to regard Mrs. Vassula Ryden's writings and speeches as supernatural and to preserve the purity of the faith that the Lord has entrusted to the Church."Is it not astounding that neither Monsignor Kostelnik (cathedral rector) nor the Rt. Reverend Alexei Smith (who heads the Archdiocese's ecumenical and interreglious affairs) was aware of Ryden's complete lack of credibility? What is more, in the TIMES piece Kostelnik acknowledges that Mahony himself was going to give the opening remarks at the conference. The cathedral previously played host to an embarrassing "interfaith" pow-wow to celebrate the election of the pro-abort, pro-gay agenda, leftist mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa.
It just goes to show you that some people never learn from their mistakes. They either try to cover them up or just pass the buck. The problem is, Mahony is running out of bucks. I am sure it wasn't easy for Kostelnik to return Vassula's $3000 check and the $200 deposit for food services. After all, money is money.
Seriously, has anyone read Vassula Ryden's "conversations" with Jesus? They're disgusting. Jesus would not say the things she claims He says.
Like, she should leave her guardian angel and follow him. Who does that really sound like?
It's all very idiotic and immature.
It makes me mad that any Catholic would believe a word that comes out of her lying mouth.
Ok, now I have to go calm down.
Great job on breaking the story Quintero!
Well done, Quintero!
One post does a summer make.
I would just like to add a positive comment regarding True LIfe in God messags. They have brought MANY souls back to God and have NEVER been condemned, please read this interview to C. Ratzinger
THey are beautiful messages. God is calling HIs creation back to His Heart, to reconcile with Him and a call to have an intimate relationship with Him. He never said to just leave her guardian angel completely, she communicates with her angel so your misinterepreting things. Please read the Vassula Engima, it gives a good interview between her and the interviewer and an objectionable point of view.
Well, if even Cardinal Mahony now realizes Vassula has problems, what more assurances do you want that her teachings are dangerous?
So is saving souls and leading them to Christ dangerous? You have a weird idea of dangerous. Is bringing souls to a deepr relationship with Christ and to a love of the Church dangerous? Is propounding a message of God's infinite love and mercy towards mankind dangerous? I'll let you decide if that constitutes dangerous, but I have a different idea of what dangerous is.
The notification has been modified, please go to this link to see and read all the questions that were given to her and her answers to the Vatican which Cardnial Ratzinger (Pope Benedict) has said to put in the latest volume of True Life in God, volume 12.
Before you judge these works, you may want to go into a little more depth of reading than only relying on misinterepred information given on websites and put into articles.
"So is saving souls and leading them to Christ dangerous?"
This is the same line used at Medjugore. Disobedience to the local Bishop is all I needed to disregard that whole affair.
I don't know much about Los Angeles except what I have seen of the cathedral. It is definitely some sort of expression of whomever authorized it's design. Just awful. Cubes. And a little tom boy Mary.
But not to sound all negative:
The city has a beautiful name.
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