Apr 14, 2006

Cardinal's recipe for "being church"

Here are a few more remarks on the interview that Cardinal Mahony recently gave the National Catholic Reporter (click on this post's title).

The Cardinal opined that ever since the homosexual (he didn't call it that) clergy abuse scandal, the U.S. bishops have been leery of sticking their heads above the sandbags, as he put it, on political issues. And he said that in order "to be church to the community," the bishops need to start speaking out on the issues.

Unfortunately but not unexpectedly, the 4,000 babies who are being aborted daily in this country did not make the Cardinal's list of "issues" on which the U.S. bishops could "be church." That was the subject of my most recent post.

That tragic omission is bad and sad enough, but there is another problem: The Cardinal's apparent assumption that "being church to the community" is about politics. You would think that "being church" is about spiritual matters; but the Cardinal brought up political matters.

It would be a wonderful way "to be church to the community" if the Cardinal would lead an all-out effort to catechize all Latin American immigrants, legal and illegal, with genuine Catholicism as found in the catechism of the Catholic Church, and to make the Mass, the Sacraments and our Catholic "full Bible" present to them.

It would also be a great way of "being church to the community" if the Cardinal, his bishops, his priests and his permanent deacons, parish by parish, led a Catholic prayer presence daily outside every abortion center in the Archdiocese. Prayer vigils have closed hundreds of these places; it should be happening more in L.A.

The Cardinal, bishops and pastors could also lead prayer and reparation protests against pornography, the homosexual agenda and incidents of anti-Catholicism.

A beautiful way "to be church to the community" would be for the Cardinal and his bishops and priests to lead many more public, highly visible Eucharistic processions and feast day processions in every community in the Archdiocese. That would put all our heads "above the sandbags" -- right where aspiring saints' heads should be!

Your Eminence, with all due respect, we dearly need SALVATION, not socialism!
In closing, on this Good Friday: "We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee, because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world."

From your buddy Quintero en el Este de L.A.: Feliz Pascua! Happy Easter!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I had a faithful Maronite Mass to attend! And I wish I could have found confession but it was not offered at my parsih from last Saturday until next Saturday. I checked the other parish in town and no confesssions on Good Friday there either; there used to be.

The focus of my diocese is on immigration. There was just a march of 4000 Hispanics here in town in favor of 'reform'. Their spiritual care does not seem to be mentioned and certainly there is not 4000 Hispanics coming to Mass.

Personally, I think that if families come to the US and the son joins a gang and the young teen daughter gets pregnant, then they would have been better off being poor in Mexico than to come here and lose their souls. I realize that this is a politically incorrect statement and I do not wish to offend but we all know that this can happen to some.

Who is caring for souls? Why are there not Eucharisitic processions and clergy led prayers at abortion murder mills? May it please Our Lord, in His unfathomable mercy, to renew and reform our misguided Church in many places in the US.

It is not about 'social justice' that does not mention or care for the soul. This life is only the pilgrimage; the next life is eternal.

6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How long, O Lord? How much longer much the Church in L.A. languish under the governance of a man who is either completely inept and clueless or, even worse, intentionally leading the flock away from Christ?

6:39 PM  

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