Apr 19, 2006

Even the NY Times is after the Cardinal

The New York Times, in an editorial today entitled, "Cardinals and the Law," talked about Cardinal Mahony and the U.S. Supreme Court's Easter Monday refusal to hear his request to not have to turn over the personnel files of two accused priests.

It gives me, and no doubt all of us, no pleasure to be bringing this up, and to be quoting or reading anything from such a pro-abortion, pro-homosexual newspaper. But the editorial is out there now, and here is some of what it said:

"After years of stonewalling, Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles has run out of excuses for blocking the prosecution of rogue priests...While other bishops and cardinals cooperated with the authorities, Cardinal Mahony became a study in arrogance who only compounded the [C]hurch's embarrassment...

"Cardinal Mahony's resistance to civil authorities is a reminder of the one factor in the scandal that has not been fully scrutinized: the misbehavior of ranking churchmen who fiercely protected and even reassigned guilty priests to prey again upon their flocks."

Let us pray for the victims of the molesters, and for our Archdiocese and Cardinal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are persuing justice in a foreign country for a beloved family member who was in the seminary. But because of a sexual assault perpetrated on him by a priest, and the attacker hiding in the bishop skirts, he is out. Drowning in a life of misery. We can only pray for him that he turn to God, so that he can regain some form of dignity.

Please pray for him and for others who have suffered like he has.

Believe you me, if we have to go public in the face of an intransigent bishop, we will find no joy in exposing what was done to our relative. Just like I find no joy in what is happening to Cardinal Majony. But I would be lying if I didn't admit that I do find some satisfaction in that the teflon's starting to peel of His Eminence.

The truth is, Cardinal Majony wanted it this way. If he had done like Cardinal Christoph Schonborn of Vienna, Austria, who took responsibility and asked forgiveness publicy for the abuse perpretrated by a predesessor, Majony would not be on the road to disgrace and, hopefully, removal.

It's obvious that the prayers, fasts, and sacrifices are finally having an effect, but . . .

How Long, Lord. How Long?!!!

1:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also ask how long.

We knew that it had to come to this and that it was only a matter of time. The full evil we may never know and I do not expect the cardinal to go quietly but, sooner or later he will go and it will be in disgrace.

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave..."

By leaving out the details of the seven priests in his "People of God" report, Mahoney is learning what many politicians have learned the hard way and that is "coverups" only compound the problem. It is incredible that the Cardinal chose deception and continued deception rather than choosing the truth which should be inherit to his vows. Mahoney deserves all the wrath that will be coming his way.

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Let's not forget who appointed this man and who failed to hold him accountable: John Paul "The Great." History will record JPII as one of the most misfeasant popes in Catholic history, a man more interested in his geopolitical and theological agenda than in being an effective steward of God's church.

That certainly doesn't make Mahony less responsible for his actions. But Mahony is merely one of a myriad of mediocre (at best) episcopal appointments by a pope who seemed to want "company men" at any cost, even at the cost of the Church's moral integrity and credibility.

4:04 PM  
Blogger Quintero said...

Dear Anonymous 1:16 a.m.,

Your beloved family member will be in my prayers, and no doubt those of every visitor to this site. The same for all your family.

"O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer them. Amen."

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Quintero:

Thanks for your prayers and your appeal to our Blessed Mother.

Frankly, we don't know where he is or what he's doing. The last we heard from him was on Easter Sunday when we received an email from him. He told us that he has stopped going to Mass, doesn't receive communion and he has stopped praying. Even so he asked, in his words, "All I ask is that you pray for this paralyzed man, thrown down on the floor. And yet there is still a prayer I recite. That my Lord lift me with his hands and cure my paralysis."

Frankly, we are very worried because he has kept in touch with us about 2 or 3 times a week, and somtimes more, through email since this whole nightmare began . . and now, nothing.

Qunitero, from your mouth to God's ears. May your prayer join his and ours and touch the Heart of God through our Blessed Mother, to whom our loved one has had a special devotion.

Thank you, again.
Anonymous 1:16 a.m.

12:54 AM  

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