The above photo of a little girl or boy in 1972 is, as you probably know, a famous photo in the right to life, anti-abortion cause.
Some people forget that the babies, not politicians or awards dinners, are the center of the struggle. Saving the babies, rescuing them from death and then helping their moms/parents, is the whole point.
When you hear Catholics say, "Abortion is only one issue," reply, "Wrong. The little girl or boy who is targeted is a PERSON like you or me, NOT an issue."
Cardinal Mahony has announced (click on this post's title) the annual Archdiocesan pro-life Mass as January 22, the 35th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, approaches. Details:
Date: Saturday, January 19, 2008
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels,
555 West Temple St., Los Angeles
The Cardinal's announcement says, "With the beautiful music of the Shantigarh Requiem for the Unborn we will sing our Lord's praises and affirm the value and dignity of each and every human life."
May I just point out that the terms "Requiem for the Unborn" and "celebration" do not quite mesh.
After all, more than 100,000 babies DIED in abortions in California, many in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, in the 12 months since the last Los Angeles Archdiocesan Respect Life Celebration.
We can and should celebrate the abstract concept of "life," but that is just the beginning. There is much more to do than that -- and not just once a year.
Our singing a Requiem for the babies whom we have failed to save will really bear fruit if and when we are actually SAVING the LIVES of actual BABIES.
Let's make not once a year, but EVERY Mass we attend, a Requiem for the Unborn, and a springboard to baby-saving action by you and me.
Everyone can do something. Everyone has a part to play. Let us begin. For God's precious little babies. With Mary's help and through Christ Our Lord, Amen.