Remedial action!
First -- About those sisters who say they are pro-abortion: Archbishop Chaput has written someone who complained about them; he says the sisters are not under his authority but are answerable to Rome, so he is going to write Rome about them. Good for him!
Second -- About Most Holy Redeemer Parish in "Frisco," where reports have said Fr. Stephen Meriwether, who is the pastor there and also the chancellor of the SF Archdiocese, has been letting the anti-Catholic, homosexual, blasphemously named "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" meet at a parish facility:
The great Catholic pro-family activist Allyson Smith today announced this:
"Today I received the following response from San Francisco Archdiocesan spokesman Maurice Healy regarding the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence bingo games at Most Holy Redeemer parish. If you post my letter to your groups or websites, please post this as well. The SF Archdiocese is to be congratulated (at least at this point) for its speedy and pointed response:"
Maury Healy
Subject: RE: Open letter to Fr. Stephen Meriwether: How DARE you allow the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence at MHR???Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 09:41:34 -0800From: "Maury Healy"
"Statement by the Archdiocese of San Francisco
"Permission to use Ellard Hall should not have been given to the group [the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence]. The Archdiocese of San Francisco has directed the parish to end the arrangement immediately. For years the group has directed contempt and ridicule at Catholic faith and practices. The particular targets of the group’s derision are women in religious communities, for whom Catholics, and many non-Catholics, have a special reverence and respect.
"Fr. Meriwether is on leave from his duties."
All kudos to our friends Allyson Smith and Kenneth Fisher for publicizing the atrocity so effectively and for getting fast results! It can be done!
But how did SF get to the point where the chancellor of the archdiocese could do something like that, and have it approved or overlooked?